Category Archives: Keeping Up With The 315

Brian Higgins gives you the 4-1-1 in the 3-1-5 weekdays 4-6pm!

Keeping Up With The 315 3-7-25

Brian Higgins sets the scene for Syracuse men’s basketball’s regular season finale against Virginia, fills you in, and asks some questions, on what we know about the Syracuse football Spring Game, and gives you his ‘No Wrong Answers’ predictions for SU-UVA.Continue Reading

Keeping Up With The 315 3-3-25

Brian Higgins explains what was similar and what was different in Syracuse’s loss to Virginia Tech than in past blown leads before taking some calls debating which guards should have been in the game late and wrapping and entire discussion up by explaining what it means, and why it matters moving forward as it pertains…Continue Reading

Keeping Up With The 315 2-25-25

Brian Higgins opens up his show by discussing how and why this has been the most toxic Syracuse sports season yet and doing a little mediation for us all. Then, he gets into the latest news with UNC basketball and how that situation compares to Syracuse. Lastly, Brian gives a rundown of what to expect…Continue Reading

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